Authentic equity-centered coaching conversations, explorations, and collaborations.
Just-in-time, on-demand mentoring and coaching for teachers, teams, math leaders.

Math Ed Consult including personalized book study inquiries and new for SY'24-25 coach-teaching
coaching conversations

Educators and leaders have access to personalized support, either one-on-one or group sessions. During sessions, participants co-construct instructional strategies that intentionally foster student engagement and academic discourse. These strategies are intended to elevate student [mathematical] identity, and agency and create equitable learning environments.

What's the conversation?

Participants unpack and rehearse mathematical tasks using district-specific curriculum and have access to
👤 Individualized Guidance: to understand specific needs, opportunities, and challenges, for the participants and their classrooms.
💬 Conversational Support: to provide participants with a safe space to share concerns, ask questions, and process HQIM implementation practices.
🌟 Focused Learning: to explore, plan, and/or rehearse teaching methods aligned with district HQIM, principles, and strategies for fostering inclusive, equitable, and culturally responsive learning.
🧠Continuous Growth: to empower participants with knowledge and skills needed for ongoing growth and development, both personally and professionally.
3-part structure

Preparing: easy schedule and provide context in advance for either a single (30), double (60), or triple (90) minute coaching conversation session. Sessions are scheduled using https://calendly.com/norma_gordon and can be 1:1 or with team/grade level groups of up to 4 participants per session.
Coaching conversation(s): during the session, participants engage in focused collective learning and leave with an action plan.
Reflecting: participants can opt to share an asynchronous reflection once they have enacted the action plan OR schedule a virtual follow-up session (typically 30 minutes).